Tracking Responses

Bullseye uses two principal methods to evaluate the success of our direct marketing programs: an activation analysis and a CHAID analysis. Each is designed to get in-depth answers on why a mailing was successful or not.

Activation Analysis – An Activation Analysis is a campaign's scorecard. It includes the response and conversion rates, the acquisition cost for each account opened and the dollar gained per dollar spent by product promoted.

CHAID Analysis – A CHAID analysis is a statistical technique used to identify usage and demographic variables that most affect response. The end result is a decision tree, which shows the factors which most differentiate responders from non-responders and the degree to which these factors, in combination, affect the response. Future marketing can be improved by selecting only the nodes which have the best response.

Click on the arrows below to learn more about Bullseye's six-step process.


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Database Marketing StrategyCreative & Direct MailResponse Analysis